This Ad for the Book "Finis Veritatis? On Truth and Lies" Cleverly Use Optical Illusions

Now this is how you create ads!  Aldis Ozoliņš used various optical illusion to convey the uncertainty of knowing the truth from a single glance. In addition, these illusions also allow viewers to observe the images from different points of view, which yield different interpretations. 

The decision of using illusions matches with the theme of Maris Kulis’ book, “Finis veritatis? About truth and lies”. Ozoliņš questions the meaning and value of the truth today, which is what Kulis’ touches on his book. Check the book website here. 

#AldisOzolins #MarisKulis #FinisVeritatisAboutTruthAndLies #OpticalIllusion #Advertisement #BookAdvertisement #Book #truth

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