Oregon State University Receives Guinness World Record for Bipedal Robot

Oregon State University has a new award to crow about. They just received the Guinness World Record for the fastest 100 meters by a bipedal robot. The ostrich leg style robot ran 100 meters in 24.73 seconds. 

The robot’s name is Cassie and it was designed by the OSU College of Engineering in Corvallis, Oregon. The robot was then built by Agility Robotics in nearby Albany, Oregon. The machine was created using a $1 million grant from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. 

Interestingly, Cassie does not have cameras or external sensors. The machine does, however, incorporate artificial intelligence. Cassie has also been able to complete a 5K run and has learned to go up and down stairs. 

#robot #GuinnessWorldRecord #running #worldrecord

(Image credit: Kegan Sims Agility Robotics)