LEGO Idea: DNA Double Helix Discovery

This DNA Double Helix LEGO with 10,000 supporters is under review, which means it’s close to being produced and sold!

The designer, LegoDNA, claims that this 3000-pieces and 60cm high LEGO shares many accurate features with the real deal, having 12 base pairs. Plus, there’s mini lab with minifigures of great scientists! In case you’re curious, the DNA code in the model is ATG GAC AAG TGA, which can be used to find the protein it codes for.

These include:

* Complementary base pairing of the 4 bases (Adenine (red) with Thymine (green), Guanine (blue) with Guanine (yellow)) (In the middle of the strands)

* 2 Hydrogen bonds between Adenine-Thymine pair, and 3 Hydrogen bonds between Cytosine-Guanine pair 

* 2 Helices wrapped around each other

* A Phosphate group (yellow) at each base level

* A change of 36° every base turn​

This September, we'll find out the result of LEGO's review on the design!

Image Credit: LegoDNA / LEGO website

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