Dad Creates Drive-In Movie Theater Costume For Daughter

Best dad ever. Also, can we just point out that this costume is such a creative idea? 

When we think of Halloween costumes, we usually bring up fictional characters and pop culture icons, because they can be easily recognized and their costumes are easy to create or purchase. However, there is also room for creative and unexpected ideas to wow people during the spooky season (and get more candies!). 

Author and illustrator Greg Dietzenbach decided to turn his daughter into a drive-in movie theater for Halloween. Dietzenback created a headpiece of sorts from scratch. The artist included a small projector that displayed a clip from the 1931 Dracula movie. His daughter’s eyes were projected from the video that played right in front of her face with a pair of dark shaded sunglasses. Of course, the drive-in cannot be completed without a dad pun! 

Check more photos of his process in creating the costume below!

Image credit: Greg Dietzenbach

#Halloween #Costumes #DriveIn #Dracula #Dad #GregDietzenbach