
Dream Ad Incubation: Advertisers are Trying to Get You to Dream About Their BrandsI already get ads while watching YouTube videos or just simply browsing through the internet. There are even rumors of streaming services aiming to place ads on their platforms as well. I can tell you if my dreams were manipulated to also have advertisements I would absolutely be angry. Do I have a choice? I certainly hope so.Some companies are now looking into shaping and compelling people’s subconscious into dreaming about their products. Sounds suspicious if you ask me,  even in the name of science. Speaking of sleep research in the name of science, and likely profit, beer company Molson Coor ran an experiment on eighteen subjects in Los Angeles. The participants were instructed to watch a strange video featuring a synth-laden soundtrack and natural imagery interspersed with glimpses of Coors Light cans. After watching the video, the people were then asked to sleep while listening to an eight-hour soundtrack of the audio from the video. The company wanted to push the subjects into dreaming about beer… their beer, to be more specific. Surprisingly, it did work! Approximately 30% of the participants shared that the products made an appearance in their dreams. According to experts, external stimuli like smells, lights, and sounds can be used to alter the content of our dreams. This practice is called Targeted Dream Incubation (TDI). The Hustle describes it in two steps: 1. An association is formed during waking — say a pairing of sounds and visuals or scents.2. When someone is drifting off into hypnagogia (the state between wakefulness and sleep), and the sound or scent is introduced, it triggers related dreams.image credit: Jr Korpa​#research #companies #advertisements #sleeping #targetdreamincubation