2022 Predictions: A Consensus by Experts on What is Coming
If given a choice to have a superpower, many people would probably choose the ability to foresee the future. However, since sadly that superpower doesn't exist, we simply have to settle for the next best thing: expert predictions.Analysis of hundreds of predictions for the year 2022 by Visual Capitalist revealed that the general mood for the year is "cautiously optimistic."Economically speaking, experts believe that the global economy will grow, although at a slower rate than its 2021 growth. Moreover, monetary policies will constrict, equity returns will decrease, and price volatility will increase. It is also expected that the issues that plagued 2021 will carry over into 2022, along with technological disruptions. Sociopolitical issues that will shape international relations include climate change, geopolitical issues, and cybersecurity issues.
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