World's Whitest Paint May Reduce or Even Eliminate the Need for Air Conditioning

For years, scientists have been looking for ways to slow down climate change. Along the way, these people made intriguing stuff, like this paint developed at Purdue University by mechanical engineering professor Xiulin Ruan and his students. What makes this type of paint intriguing, you ask? The answer is its color and its excellent ability to block out most solar radiation. Currently the whitest paint in the world, it can reflect 98.1% of solar radiation.

Typical commercial white paint can only reflect 80-90% of sunlight, and it cannot make surfaces cooler than their surroundings. This new paint formulation, however, can. And, according to Ruan, this paint could rival the cooling power of most air conditioners today.

The paint appears in the 2022 edition of Guinness World Records.

Check out more details over at Purdue University.

(Image Credit: Purdue University photo/John Underwood)

#GlobalWarming #ClimateChange #ReflectivePaint #GuinnessWorldRecords #SolarRadiation