World's Tallest Sandcastle is a Covid-Themed Sculpture by Wilfred Stijger

Standing at 21.16 meter (69.4 ft) Dutch designer Wilfred Stijger's new sandcastle creation smashed the previous record holder to claim the new title of world's tallest sandcastle.

Stijger was assisted by 30 of the world's best sand sculptors to create the sandcastle in the annual Sand Sculpture Festival in the seaside town of Blokhus, Denmark. It took nearly 5,000 tonnes of sand, mixed with some clay and an extra layer of glue to make the sculpture last through most of the Danish winter.

To commemorate the current COVID-19 pandemic, Stijger put a sculpture of the coronavirus on top of the sandcastle. "It's ruling our lives everywhere," Stijger said, "It tells you what to do ... It tells you to stay away from your family and not go to nice places. Don't do activities, stay home."

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