Visualizing the Devastating Sea Level Rise due to Climate Change in Various Locations Around the World

François Hollande, the former president of France once said, "We have a single mission: to protect and hand on the planet to the next generation."

The video shows snapshots from the future which shows a catastrophic sea level if we remain in denial of climate change. If nations today keep their current ways which are harmful to the environment, the planet’s temperature will soon rise about 3 degrees Celsius, but if pollution is cut in half by 2030, global warming could be stopped after rising about 1.5 degrees Celsius. 

The comparison between the scientific projections of the sea levels, depending on the path that will be taken by nations, shows how small actions lead to big results. In this case, the future of our environment now depends on our hands. Ask yourself about the environment where the future generation will live, and act upon that vision. ​

Video credit: Climate Central 

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