Vinegar Eels Can Synchronize Their Wiggling as They Move Together in Swarms

The Turbatrix aceti is a species of nematode commonly found wiggling inside jars of raw vinegar or in fish tanks. Better known as vinegar eels, these harmless and non-parasitic worms are one of many intriguing creatures in the microscopic world.

Scientists have recently discovered that vinegar eels can "wiggle in synch as they move together in swarms" — an ability rarely found in nature. There are animals such as birds and fish that can move collectively. This nematode species, however, according to University of Rochester physicist Anton Peshkov, has "a combination of two different kinds of synchronization," namely motion and oscillation.

Their ability to synchronize their movements and oscillation can be seen in this short clip. More details about them can be read over at ScienceNews.

Scientists are still wondering why these tiny worms exhibit such behavior. Is it a ritual? Is it a dance? Only they know.

Image Credit: Anton Peshkov via ScienceNews

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