Valmeyer, Illinois: The Town that Got Up and Moved after Massive Floods

Despite being just three miles (about 5km) from the main channel of the Mississippi River, the people from the town of Valmeyer did not mind the flooding. They just kept cleaning and survived through the years. But everything changed with the Great Flood of 1993. It was a flood so extreme that the village was swallowed by waters that were 16 ft (about 5m) high.

Upon seeing the damage right in front of their eyes, the residents of Valmeyer saw two choices — either they go back and rebuild their village, or they could disperse to other towns. There was a third choice, however: wholesale relocation. Everyone was to pack their things up and go together someplace else. The residents of Valmeyer chose this option.

The relocation may have taken a few years to finish, but it was the best decision because the people were kept together and put out of harm's way. Located on higher ground, the New Valmeyer stands in a safer spot.

Despite having no playbook or blueprint to follow, the people and the leaders of Valmeyer successfully pulled off the concept of managed retreat (also known as planned relocation) at a large scale. Today, with climate change growing more intense, people look up to the town of Valmeyer as an excellent example of the idea.

(Image Credit: Dennis Knobloch)

#ManagedRetreat #PlannedRelocation #Relocation #Valmeyer #Illinois

(Image Credit: Dennis Knobloch/ Ned Trovilion)

A business district in the Old Valmeyer.

(Image Credit: Dpalme/ Wikimedia Commons)

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