Three Boys, One Hoop--Acrobats Perform Astonishing Stunt

Hoops Désolé Circus, a band of merry acrobats, performs extraordinary stunts that require enormous strength, dexterity, coordination, and timing. Each member is, individually, a physical wonder. But together, they are true masters of a classical performing art.

Their recent stunts often involve the use of hoops with the athletes jumping through at exactly the right times and making it look easy. Here are three jumps through a hoop rotating 720°.

Here’s the same stunt at full speed, which makes it even more amazing. I do appreciate the freaky thumbnail, too.

#acrobatics #HoopsDesoleCircus #stunts #hula #hulahoop

-via The Awesomer

More hula hoop stunts by Hoops Désolé Circus