This Shark Needs a Dentist: Shark Diver Company Photographed a Great White Shark Missing Many of its Teeth

We have many ways to keep our teeth from falling out. We can brush our teeth. We can floss. And we can visit the dentist from time to time. But such things are not available for many animals like this great white shark, which was missing many of its teeth at the time this photo was taken. Thankfully, their teeth can grow again naturally.

This image was featured on the Instagram account of Shark Diver, an ecotour company ran by a man named Martin Graf.

"It's pretty unusual for a shark to have that many missing teeth," Graf acknowledged, adding that he did not know at what point or how this shark lost so many of its teeth.

Graf added: "Sometimes they lose their teeth when they bite into a big prey, especially if they hit a bone in their prey animal."

I sure hope this shark is doing fine in the seas.

(Image Credit: Shark_diver_llc via Instagram)

#Shark #Teeth #DentalProblems #CageDiving


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