This Database Contains Over 100 Plastic Alternatives For Designers

For those who are looking for alternative materials to plastic, this organization has got them covered! A Plastic Planet, an environmental organization dedicated to stopping the world from using plastic, has created PlasticFree

This platform is a subscription-based service that provides its users with in-depth reports on different plastic alternatives. While you can easily Google “plastic alternatives,” the organization offers more in-depth details and key insights into its platform. 

Additionally, the convenience is there, as this is an entire platform dedicated to plastic alternatives. No need for multiple tabs opens in your browser as you look up how certain materials will hold up to plastic. 

PlasticFree also provides case studies on how these different alternatives are being turned into products across the world. The part material library and part design tool service has one ultimate aim. It is to "help designers and business leaders eradicate one trillion pieces of plastic waste from the global economy by 2025," according to the organization.

Image credit: A Plastic Planet

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