Think in Colour: Turn Your Thoughts into 3D Sculptures

Would you like to take a small personality quiz to learn what your thoughts would look like if they were a singular 3D sculpture? Well, Belgian news magazine Knack has you covered. 

The company developed a tool that presents its users with a visualization of their thoughts or how their mind works. Called ‘Think in Color,’ the application features a short questionnaire composed of 15 questions. Think of Adobe Create’s Creative Types interactive quiz. Instead of telling you what kind of creative you are, Knack’s tool lets you know the percentages of different categories (empathy, open-mindedness, curiosity, flexibility) in thinking. According to Adobo Magazine, the exam was developed in collaboration with psychologists at the renowned University of Brussels (VUB). In addition, it was also based on different psychological tests, such as the BFI-2 and FIT-60 tests.

Take the quiz here!

image credit: Think in Color

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