These Amazing Cows Were Trained By Scientists to Urinate in a Special Pen Called the "MooLoo"

Cows pee a lot. And when I say “a lot”, I mean A LOT. According to Lindsay Matthews, an animal behavioral scientist, a single cow can produce as much as 8 gallons (over 30 liters) of urine a day. When not disposed of properly, cattle urine, along with cattle dung, could contribute to nitrous oxide emissions — a substance more harmful to the environment than carbon dioxide.

To address this serious environmental issue, scientists have wondered if cows could be potty trained. The study was published in the journal Current Biology, and the study found that “cows are at least as good as children, age 2 to 4 years, at least as quick.”

Scientists have dedicated a special pen called the “MooLoo” for the cows. But how did they entice the cows to urinate there?

Find out how they did it over at AP News.

(Image Credit: Thomas Häntzschel/FBN via AP)

#Cow #PottyTrain #Urine #Nitrogen #NitrousOxide #Environment

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