The Swish Machine by Creezy: 70-Step Outdoor Rube Goldberg Machine to Shoot a Basketball

Color us impressed!  YouTuber Creezy created this outdoor Rube Goldberg machine out of everyday household stuff, toys and various sports equipment. 

The end goal of the "Swish Machine" is to shoot a basketball through a hoop, but it takes 70 intricate steps involving a skateboard, a trampoline, a bicycle tire, a garden rake, a swing set, countless sports balls, and even a trench dug out in the ground to accomplish the task.

Creezy shot the clip in one take, saying that "there are absolutely no hidden cuts or edits." He noted that the Swish Machine took a month to build and another month to troubleshoot before it successfully worked.

#RubeGoldberg #SwishMachine #Creezy #sportsequipment #ball #basketball

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