The Persistence of Bacteria In Concrete

Concrete is the most common building material in the world because of its great durability. However, just like all materials, concrete structures deteriorate in quality through time, and because many structures all over the world are made of concrete, there is a growing need for concrete maintenance and repair.

Bacteria thrive best in a warm and moist environment. Knowing this, it would be extremely difficult for bacteria to thrive in concrete. In fact, it might just be the worst possible environment for bacteria, as concrete is hard, dry, and salty. Yet, there are bacteria which can survive inside concrete. Some could even provide “biorepair” to the concrete.

Scientists hope to use bacteria someday as a new method for providing concrete maintenance.

#Concrete #Bacteria #ConcreteMaintenance #Biorepair

(Image Credit: Kathy F. Atkinson and Anders Kiledal/ University of Delaware)