Spot Robot Dances in a Halftime Show

In case you have been wondering why college tuition is so high these days, behold the Mizzou halftime show Saturday. The spotlight performer was a Spot robot from Boston Dynamics. Watch him shake his tail to The Jackson 5's song "Dancing Machine."

The University of Missouri College of Engineering acquired their first Spot robot during the spring 2021 semester, and now they gave at least three. The student engineers have been programming their robots to do various things, like pushups and possibly some football moves, but chose to debut Spot's talents to the public with the dance team and marching band. A good time was had by all.

But then again, maybe they should have taught those robot dogs more football skills. Mizzou lost that game to Tennessee, 24-62. No one in Missouri is thinking about that, though, since the robot dog stole the show and gave us a viral video.

(Image: Mizzou Engineering)

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