Sand Sculpture of the Tower of Mordor by Leonardo Ugolini

One does not simply sculpt the tower of Mordor ... right?

Sand artist Leonardo Ugolini (featured before on Picto) sculpted Barad-dûr, the Dark Tower of Sauron in Mordor from the Lord of the Rings trilogy and lived to tell us about the build process.

Watch Ugolini create the basic shape of the tower and then add in details using mini-spatula and other sand sculpting tools. Then ... his imagination took a leap and he was transported into Mordor and had to run away from the Eye of Sauron!

#LeonardoUgolini #sandsculpture #sandart #LordoftheRings #Sauron #Mordor #BaradDur #TowerofMordor #MountDoom

Ugolini managed to enter the Mount Doom volcano and destroy the One Ring. Then watch as the Tower of Mordor sand sculpture crumble right before our eyes.