Remains of a Medieval Castle May Be Hiding In The Hill Behind An Old English Manor

Picture it! A beautiful, old, and stately English manor. Out in the lush green fields, near this grand abode, something seems out of place. The land is uneven. For generations the owners of the property have wondered what caused the rise in the land.  

Fast forward to 2019. Experts from Dig Ventures, with the assistance of students from Cardiff University, began to seriously examine the land. Unfortunately, the Covid pandemic interrupted that initial excavation. The treasures of the land were to remain hidden for several more months. 

Covid restrictions, however, were eventually lifted. Once again work began on the site. Soon treasure after treasure would be found. A sandstone wall. A piece of waterlogged timber. A slightly flattened medieval ampulla. Everything leading to the conclusion that underneath that molehill was actually a mountain of treasure. 

​“We found what we think might possibly be a castle on the mound,” lead archaeologist Nat Jackson tells BBC News. “… It’s very, very exciting.”

The full story is available on Smithsonian Magazine

Image 1: Dig Ventures / Facebook

Image 2: Via Wikimedia Commons

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