Realistic Glass Sculptures of Bags of Water by Dylan Martinez

These aren't plastic bags filled with water!

Instead, they're glass sculptures of plastic bags filled with water by artist Dylan Martinez. The lifelike sculptures are titled "H2O/SiO2" (SiO2 is silicon dioxide or silica, which is used to make glass):

Our vision has the greatest effect on our understanding of the world. Through Dylan’s artwork, he often creates scenarios in which the viewer must question their capacity to discern between reality and illusion. Martinez’s curiosity of perception is driven by the fact that he is red-green colorblind. Having a deficit in his color vision provides an alternative way of experiencing his environment. Inspired by Trompe L’oeil, H2O/SiO2 is entirely hot sculpted glass, which appear as plastic bags of water. The trapped movement of the rising bubbles and the gesture of the forms convince the eye that the sculptures are just as they seem. What is fascinating is that our desires often override the true perception of reality and you often believe what you think you see as the truth.

#sculpture #GlassSculpture #water #plasticbag #trompeloeil