Phantom Honking: Ottawa Residents Still Hear the Sound of Blaring Truck Horns Even Though There's Actually No Sound

Protestors and trucks blocked the streets of Ottawa. They were protesting the COVID-19 restrictions imposed by the Canadian government. Some claimed that they would not move until mask and vaccination requirements were lifted. However, after days of demonstrations, the authorities were able to disperse the crowd. 

Residents in downtown Ottawa who experienced the protests described them as torture. "Literally there were trucks right underneath me," said Kevin. "It was one thing for me, but I've got animals. I've got three cats, two dogs. So yeah, it was torture."

Some residents also said that they can still hear blaring truck horns, even if there were no longer vehicles near their homes. "When you hear that noise, it's like, 'Oh, are they back? Is there a road convoy coming back, right?'" said Sean Flynn, another resident in Ottawa who heard the horns inside his home during the protests.

This phenomenon is described as “phantom honking.” Other residents also shared that they are haunted by these honking usually at night. In addition to hearing these sounds, they feel constantly on edge and fearful while stepping outside. According to clinical psychologist Dr. Peter Liu, the residents may experience this phenomenon as part of a “mild trauma.” He reassures that it will fade with time, and recommended listening to music or white noise before sleeping to minimize the effects. 

Image credit: Gabriel Santos

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