Ocucaje Predator: Ancient "Monster" Whale was a Sea Serpent-Like Mammal

The Ocucaje Desert in Peru was once a shallow sea home to primitive sea mammals. Which is why the discovery of a deadly marine mammal skull there makes sense. The relic belonged to a basilosaurus, which roughly translated to “king lizard”.

It was uncovered in 2021 roughly 350 kilometers (215 miles) south of Lima. Excavators were impressed by how well preserved the specimen had been.

The ocean giant has been nicknamed the “Ocucaje Predator,” a suitably fearsome name for a 17-meter (55-foot) long hunter with gigantic jaws. These teeth led paleontologists to place basilosaurus at the top of the food chain, making it more than qualified to take down fish, sharks, and other archaic whales.

The 36-million-year-old basilosaurus leaves behind a complete skull, representing an exciting opportunity for scientists to learn more about these prehistoric predators.

The specimen is now on display at the Museum of Natural History in Lima.

Image: Andrew Janson

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