Newly Identified Beetle Species That Lived 49 Million Years Ago is Named After Sir David Attenborough

A newly identified prehistoric beetle which lived 49 million years ago was just named after naturalist Sir David Attenborough.

The frog-legged beetle was identified by Frank Krell of Denver Museum of Nature & Science and Francesco Vitali of the Luxembourg National Museum of Natural History. The fossil of the insect was found in the Green River Formation in Colorado.

The beetle's beautiful pattern on its wing casings caught Krell's attention and inspired its name, Pulchritudo attenboroughi or Attenborough's Beauty.

 "This is one of the most magnificent beetle fossils ever found," Krell said in a statement. "The patterning is preserved in unsurpassed clarity and contrast, making this one of the best-preserved beetle fossils. It is most definitely deserving of its name.

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