NASA Turned Exploded Stars into Music

Astronomical data collected from powerful telescopes are usually presented visually in the form of images and charts. But NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory and their Universe of Learning program did something different this time. Instead of converting said data into images, the institution converted them into sounds that we can hear. This sonification project allowed us to appreciate the beauty of the cosmos by our sense of hearing.

The recent additions to this project are three exciting regions in space. These are Westerlund 2, SN 1572, and Messier 87.

Westerlund 2 is a region in space containing some of the hottest, brightest, and most massive stars that are ever known.

SN 1572, also known as Tycho's supernova remnant, is a debris field left behind by an exploding star. This supernova was recorded in early November 1572.

Messier 87, on the other hand, is a region containing the most popular black hole. The said black hole is also the first and only one to be imaged.

(Image Credit: Chandra X-ray Observatory via YouTube)

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