Little Girl Asks County Animal Control for a Unicorn License, Gets One

I'm going to take a wild guess about the backstory here: young Madeline asked her parents for permission to keep a unicorn in the backyard. The parents, not wanting to say no and therefore create a conflict, say that this requires special permission from Los Angeles County Animal Control.

But Madeline is not deterred and writes to the county authorities, who posted their correspondence on Facebook.

ā€‹Marcia Mayeda, Director of Animal Control, is a good sport and entertains Madeline while still insisting, as an animal welfare authority, that Madeline take certain steps to ensure that her unicorn stays happy and healthy.

The County of Los Angeles then sends Madeline the proper documentation for her unicorn license.

They also send a tag to attach to the unicorn's collar so that anyone who encounters will have no doubts that it is safe and authorized to reside within the county.

-via Twisted Sifterā€‹

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