Here’s What Famous People From History Would Look Like Today Thanks to FaceApp

What if historical figures lived today? How would they look? Comic book writer Magdalene Vissagio became curious about this, and, with the power of AI, she found her answers. Using FaceApp and AirBrush, Vissagio was able to re-imagine these historical figures. Of course, many of these do not look faithful to the original reference, as this is only made for fun.

Each image only takes about 15-30 mins to create.

Here are some of Vissagio's photos. See more over at Bored Panda.

You may also visit the Instagram account dedicated to these digital modernizations over here.

(All Images: deadpeople_alive via Bored Panda)

#DigitalReconstruction #DigitalModernization #History #FaceApp

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