Happy Moon Day 2022!

Fifty-three years ago today, on July 20, 1969, Neil Armstrong and BuzzAldrin landed on the moon during the Apollo 11 mission. The anniversary has come to be known as Moon Day. While the commemorations of the anniversary are not as big as they were on the 50th anniversary, they are all over the internet. Some will teach you something you didn't know, some will make you nostalgic for 1969, and some will blow you away.

Gizmodo has 25 Rare and Overlooked Images From the Famed Apollo 11 Mission

Discover magazine has 5 Things You May Not Have Known About Neil Armstrong.

Real Clear Science tells us things we wouldn't know about the moon if astronauts didn't go there in person, and other reasons why the "faked moon landing" conspiracy theories are nonsense.

Buzz Aldrin's moon landing jacket will go up for auction, along with other of his space memorabilia, on July 29. 

Opinion: Apollo 11 vs. space tourism in 2022

And the big news is that NASA chose today to announce concrete plans for going back to the moon. There are three days in which the window for Artemis 1 to launch is favorable, and they are August 29, September 2, and September 5. The space agency will teat its new Space Launch System rocket by sending an unmanned Orion spacecraft to orbit the moon and return to earth.

#MoonDay #Apollo11 #moonlanding #Artemismission

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