Goldfish-Bowl Inspired Parfait, Anyone?

If you ever go to Japan, make sure you visit the many Risotterias and Parfaiterias of GAKU Inc., a food company based in Japan. If you want to get an idea as to what type of food they serve, then have a look at their Instagram account that is filled with pictures of their mouth-watering and well-presented dishes and desserts, like this goldfish-bowl inspired parfait, which comes in cherry and grape variants.

The grape variant consists mainly of grapes with some red beans. The cherry variant, on the other hand, is filled with cherries and daiginjo. A goldfish can be seen at the bottom of the parfait, but I’m really not sure what it is made of.

(Image Credit: Risotteria via Instagram)

#GAKU #Risotto #Parfait #Food #Dessert

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