Florida Teen Who Tracked Elon Musk's Jet Launches New Twitter Accounts to Track Russian Billionaires' Jets

Now this is truly a high-flying hobby.

Jack Sweeney, who made headlines when he tracked Elon Musk’s private jet and published its every move on a now-popular Twitter account, now finds a new target: the Russian oligarchs

The Russian billionaires are caught in the crossfire of the war currently aflame between Russia and the world over their invasion of Ukraine. Sweeney, who famously turned down $3,000 from Elon Musk to delete his account, will put additional pressure on them. He has managed to track down the private jets belonging to the likes of Chelsea FC owner Roman Abramovich and gas tycoon Leonid Mikhelson. Under new Twitter handles @PutinJet and @RUOligarchJets,  300,000 strong followers can now follow nearly live updates of the jets’ movements as well as maps locating them.

In total, the accounts track more than 40 planes and helicopters linked to the oligarchs. He is inviting others to help and track even more.

Image: @RUOligarchJets/Twitter

#PrivateJet #RussianOligarch #Twitter #JackSweeney

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