December Stargazing: Meteors and Comets and Planets, Oh My!

This month will be a full one for people who want to see things up in the night sky. On December third, the planet Venus will shine its brightest of the year, but will be visible for a few weeks afterward as well. We have two, count 'em, two meteor showers you'll want to see. And there's a chance we'll be able to spy Comet C/2021 A1, affectionally known as "Leonard," on December 9th. There's a solar eclipse, too, but you'd have to be in Antarctica to see its totality.

Besides that, there's the winter solstice and the Christmas star (Sirius) and a few other heavenly events you'll want to mark on your calendar. Dig out the binoculars (or a telescope if you have one), and make plans to get away from city lights. Get a full list with links and instructions for viewing these December celestial events at Lifehacker. 

#meteorshower #star #comet #stargazing