China's Longest Underwater Highway Tunnel Has a Colorful LED Ceiling to Prevent Driver Fatigue

China has just opened its longest underwater highway tunnel to date, and it has a colorful LED ceiling specially built to prevent driver fatigue.

The 10.79-kilometer tunnel is located under Lake Taihu, Jiangsu Province, just 50 kilometers shy of Shanghai. Construction started on January 9th, 2018. Four years, 9.9 billion yuan ($1.56 billion) and 2 million cubic meters of concrete later, the Taihu tunnel is officially complete and open to vehicle traffic.

At 17.45 meters wide, the two-way tunnel houses six lanes and is predicted to reduce traveling time between Shanghai and Nanjing, Jiangsu's capital. It is also expected to segue traffic from the crowded cities next to Lake Taihu to those located in the Yangtze River delta area where it will help boost economic development.

Image: FeatureChina

#tunnel #LED #China

Above: 2018 video clip of the Lake Taihu underwater tunnel's construction.