Check Out This High Pressure Massage

Japanese Twitter user @mk_siro shares this image from a recent massage that he experienced at an osteopathic clinic. Clearly, the masseur needed to apply heavy pressure in order to knock a kink out of mk_siro’s back. In an impressive display of athletic agility, he braces himself against the wall and bears down with a single elbow.

Commenters are comparing the masseur to Numakura Koichi, the main character from the manga Send My Regards to Kenshiro. In this story, a young man studies martial arts in order to avenge his father, murdered by the yakuza. He’s unable to use those martial arts in combat, but he does become an extraordinarily talented masseur. This real-life masseur could clearly play Koichi in a live-action adaptation.

-via Richard Eisenbeis

#Japan #Massage