Can Math Prove The Existence of God?

Anyone can provide proof of anything as long as they believe in it. The idea of any uncertainty leaves us fearful or too curious. Mathematicians and philosophers have gone so far as to prove the existence of humans, so is it really surprising to know that they’ve also tried to determine if God is real? 

As to how they prove the existence of the omnipotent being, these people use different ways to enlighten others. One argues that just like the number 7, God is not some being that has come into existence. 

According to atheist biologist Jerry Coyne, “He is not some material being that has come into existence, he is like a number that has always existed, (and by the way nobody will deny this logic with the number, however when someone mentions God a problem occurs).” 

Other classic proofs used include the Augustinian Proof, used by St. Augustine of Hippo in the 4th century AD. The concept states that two kinds of things exist in the natural world, particulars, and universals. 

Particulars are the specific tangible things we know by our senses, such as trees, people, clothes, and more. Universals are the more abstract concepts that include subjects in academia (science, humanity, etc.). 

Essentially, through this concept, Augustine and many other scholars propose that the reality of universals exists in the Divine Mind, which is infinite and eternal. This can be associated with God as it points out some of its attributes such as eternity. For example, numbers are infinite. This means that whatever Mind holds them is also eternal and infinite, which can be connected to God. 

Image credit: Pixabay/Pexels

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