Calcium Carbonate Concrete: A New Kind of Concrete Made From Waste Material and Carbon Dioxide Pollutant

Concrete is a dominant material in the construction industry. In order to produce this, companies release carbon dioxide into our atmosphere that can further accelerate climate change. Researchers are now proposing a new way to reduce emissions caused by concrete by introducing a sustainable and environmentally-friendly material, the calcium carbonate concrete. 

The future construction material is made from waste concrete and carbon dioxide from the air or industrial exhaust gases. Its functionality was proven to work by Professor Ippei Maruyama and C4S (Calcium Carbonate Circulation System for Construction) project manager Professor Takafumi Noguchi from the Department of Architecture at the University of Tokyo. 


Image credit: Maruyama et al.

#concrete #carbondioxide #globalwarming #climatechange #calciumcarbonate

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