Acorns of 1,000-Year-Old Oak Trees Used to Create "Super Forest"

We believe that planting trees is one of the best solutions to combating climate change. However, planting trees without careful thinking could prove more harmful than helpful. It could harm biodiversity and agriculture. These things said, it is essential to think about which trees should be planted.

One of the trees planned for planting in the woodlands of the United Kingdom is the 1000-year-old native oak tree in Blenheim Palace. This tree not only absorbs carbon emissions. It also could serve as a habitat for a combination of species.

While the new shoots will take a hundred years before they are considered full-grown trees, the people behind the project believe that the trees are worth the investment and worth the wait.

(Images: Phil Coomes via BBC)

#ClimateChange #TreePlanting #OakTree

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