24 Hour Timelapse of Indoor Plants Show Just How Much They Actually Move

Just because they're in a pot doesn't mean that plants don't like to move around! This fascinating video shows a 24 hour timelapse of indoor potted calathea plants moving their leaves as if they're waving (slooowly) at you.

Calatheas are also called "prayer plants" because their leaves point up at night like hands in a prayer, and unfurl or open up during the day. This movement is made possible of a small joint between its leaf and stem. This movement is called nyctinasty and while some scientists have suggested that this is crucial for survival as the movement of the leaves allow the plant to get more sunlight during the day, there's currently no clear answer as to the benefit of the night movement.

Via Melora_1ā€‹

#plant #calathea #timelapse #indoorplant